for the comedian, Andrei Codrescu
I was there when Nixon blew Elvis
and Sticky Fingers drew the
black ink from headlines
still the same
a rhythm denotes the sign of
the times on more expensive
car stereos
if I called it nigger music
would you cry?
fuck you
the jungle sweats as Tom Brokaw
licks my balls at base camp
letters home to my hippie prick
brother in a rock band smoking
boo that ain't shit
here's to us Double Veterans
Triple Veterans!
who then fuck and kill ourselves
rolled up in a free blanket at the
Stand-Down in Medford, Oregon
this fine Hispanic bitch TV
reporter asking how do you
pronounce your name again?
ragged it's been years glass
broken glass it's your window
and I've just driven through it
the skulls and leather
a string of ears flapping in the wind
listening for no particular voice
it could be yours