way back in the late 60's
when my peers encouraged
me to take drugs I'd go to
these parties and there'd be
all these Vietnam Vets
just fucking back beautiful
whacked out motherfuckers
still wearing the camo and
they'd tell me of some Armory
they ripped off and how it
was all going to come down
they would take over the
country with The Panthers
and don't worry don't worry
and I didn't really I was young
all ready with my 1-Y classification
and I'd hit that joint nodding my
head with those dope-vision-
but you know how it all turned
out John Lennon ruined the life
of a great American poet Yoko Ono
Jimi gargled his own fusty vomit
and Alan Wilson died along the
river of no tomorrow on a scuffed
up album cover so check this out
I get these young guys coming over
about once a week here now in my
twilight years telling me get your
shit together dude buy all the ammo
you can we got a nigger for president
the shit will come down but
it doesn't compare to the old days
although they do bring the beer that
crap they listen to ain't really country