to Junkyard Rob, guitar playing
motherfucker, horseman, friend
--A missing Sprague
River man was shot in
the back of the head
and then buried on the
property of a woman
accused of murder-
ing him, according to
Klamath County Cir-
cuit Court records.
Deanna Brindle,
47, of Beatty has been
charged with the mur-
der of Robert Kincaid,
54, who disappeared
from his Sprague River
home July 7. A body
believed to be Kin-
caid was found in a
shallow grave Thurs-
day on Brindle's prop-
erty off Drews Road
in the Tablelands area
between Sprague River
and Beatty.
"Deanna Brindle
shot Robert Kincaid
in the back of the head
with a 4-10 shotgun
while at her residence,"
according to a probable
cause statement filed
in Klamath County
Circuit Court.
Kincaid was last
seen July 7, leaving his
Sprague River property
for an 11-mile horseback
ride. He was riding one
horse and leading another-
er one.