I watch the nightly news and I love
all of you assholes in this new great
depression who have lost your job
or who very soon will from Detroit
on down with your credit cards burnt
and the mortgage and a greaseball
coming to take that new car and oh
but little Eddie has asthma and how'm
I gonna get the medicine and blah blah
blah blah fuck you welcome to my world
of the bleak hustle and the food banks
and the hospital financial aid and the
petty theft and the drug sales and the
parking lot handouts and the flea markets
and the top ramen at the end of the month
and the energy assistance and the car held
together with baling wire and absolutely
no one there to ask for any kind of magical
relief for almost all of these last 40 years
except there's the poems so now you tell
me which one of us is going to survive