He died mysteriously and violently.
She was eminently approachable.
He became adept at fighting.
She was in a panic of terror.
He shook his head.
She was with her crowd and dancing.
He could see that he had been right.
She shot him that afternoon.
He ran furiously out of the barn.
She interrupted him.
He went in.
She had been afraid to come near.
He was talking nonstop.
She sounded tired.
He refused to believe the fact.
She obeyed with unexpected readiness.
He had a few books he had stolen.
She didn't lift her eyes from the pages.
He was naked to the waist.
She crushed out her cigarette.
He had often thought of his loneliness.
She smiled at the tension in his voice.
He trembled.
She handed the megalith to him.